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As I reflect through the last 20 years of my life, it is my yoga practice that is a constant, trustworthy pillar I've relied on to keep me grounded, vibrant and healthy. My yoga practice physically strengthens my body, brings mental clarity and satisfies me spiritually. In the past, it was there for me when I prepared myself for both my pregnancies, throughout my pregnancies and long after the intense births of my children. Through all of life's constant changes in my body and challenges in life, such as parenting and menopause, it is yoga that brings me back to my center in order to continually transform and evolve with ease.


As a registered yoga instructor and certified yoga therapist, I focus on creating a personalized, sustainable yoga practice that will serve you for your lifetime. The ultimate goal is to experience every stage of life feeling free and fulfilled. Contact me for a free, safe, and confidential consultation to see if working together is a good fit.


With gratitude,

Maureen Mayo


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